Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Welcome to Mishimoto Loves Drifters

Mishimoto Loves Drifters is a new site designed to discuss all things motorsports and industry related. Even though we strive to design high quality and innovative products we also realize there is more to this industry than just parts.

We will be posting more interactive content along with different types of rich media on this site. We have a lot of cool things in the world of drift and motorsports coming in 2010 and this will be our space to share it with you. We are also hoping you can use this as an extra resource for information regarding professional and amateur drifting and events across the country. We want you to share as well, feel free to post pictures, videos, stories or anything else you think may fit in here!

In early 2010 we will also be launching a Mishimoto Loves Drifters License, this will be a program for the die-hard grassroots drifters to help promote Mishimoto and in turn you have access to direct purchasing opportunities from Mishimoto at highly discounted prices along with other special offers.

Stay tuned for 2010....Big Things Are Happening